
B on a winter date...

Falling in love is a little easier when it's cold outside. There's no better excuse to pair off, stay in, and get close (body heat, of course)! After a little mid afternoon brainstorm, my friend Lindsay Swartz helped me to pull together a few fun ideas for winter dates.

Pictured: (L to R) Lindsay, Jen

Go ice skating in your local park, community centre or outdoor rink. A little coordination goes a long way, but the fumbles are totally charming.

Cruise your local outdoor holiday markets (e.g. Union Squares weekend holiday flea market) for great gifts for your friends and family. Top it off with a cozy dinner at a local duck out or classic eatery (think: Coffee Shop).

Go Christmas tree/ornament shopping or do some fun holiday decorating together like stringing popcorn or cranberries, etc. If you're having holiday fun together now, perhaps you can picture what it would be like to share every holiday as a team?

This is an obvious one, but hot chocolate is the perfect complement to great conversation over a stroll, in place of dessert, or simply as a good excuse to extend the date a little longer. How sweet!


love&nappyness said...

cute ideas! i wanna go ice skating sooo baddd

Malik said...

Yea ain't nothing worse than being snowed in during the winter with nothing other than a television set. That sucks.

I guess it really is true that most people try to settle down during the cold months.

Oh well..let me go see what's on BET today.