The streets are buzzing about BET's newest and dearest project - Harlem Heights, and everyone has an opinion about the characters that fuel the story line. I may be a little biased, but it's safe to say Christian is my favorite "character" on the show. With his boy-like charm, obvious good looks, and laid back ambition, it only makes sense to get a little deeper with the someone that everyone wants to know more about.

Q: Are you ready for celebrity?A: Ha! I mean, I am a low key dude. I don't know if I am ready for people to recognize me in the streets. It might be a little weird when you notice someone looking at you you know? But at least I know its because they are watching the show!
Q: How is Harlem Heights different than other BET reality shows?A: Well, there isn't a show on television that relates to young black professionals in New York City...let alone anywhere. Everyone on the show represents a demographic of African American men and women that hasn't been captured. Fashion Designers, Magazine Editors, a Single Parent Father, A Television Producer, just to name a few... I don't know of a show on any t.v. network that can boast such a dynamic group of people working in different fields such as the aforementioned. Baldwin Hills is a show that showcases young African-American men and women doing their thing. A lot of those guys are still in high school, we are older and already into our careers.
Q: What is your “character” on the show?A: My character? Well, I guess I am the "cool kid" LOL. I am just laid back you know. I kick it with everyone and you might occasionally hear my opinion on one or two subjects here and there! I mean, I think that is for the viewers to decide.
Q: Any truth to the “love” rumors between you and Brooke on the show or is it all for the cameras? (We’re friends so I need 100% truth.)A: There are love rumors? Really? Brooke is a good, good friend...and anytime two people of the opposite sex become close rumors start to fly. Brooke is someone I confide in and trust, she is a great person and an even better friend.
Q: What are you up to now that the show has wrapped?A: I still am the Lifestyle Editor for Dime Magazine. We just dropped our March issue, which is on sale now. LeBron James graces the cover, so if you're a basketball fan pick it up now. Currently, we're working on our next issue. Its gonna be a goodie..I can't tell you too much but bball fans will like the content alot.
Q: How does you 9-5 as a Lifestyle Editor at Dime Magazine cross over with your real life? What is a typical day like?A: A lot of my job requires me to meet with clothing companies and footwear companies so I can have a heads up on hot items dropping on the market. A lot of product comes to me before it hits the streets so I have to be in the know. My days are never really the same. I have an English Degree which I use every day! LOL. I still write for the magazine as well so if I am not writing I am looking over pages for corrections, putting content up on our website for our online readers (totally different from our in book content), interviewing players, and attending events. My job is very exciting, and you're constantly are getting geared for the 'next thing.'
Q: Name 3 things that you can’t live without, and why?A: I can't live without my Blackberry, a Basketball, and a NY Yankee Fitted Hat. LOL. My Blackberry because I do so much work outside of the office. I need to be accessible at all times in regards to communicating with my co-workers. Whether it is looking at a pdf, sending game info to one of the guys by a computer, or simply sending a confirmation for a meeting, I have to stay sharp.
Also, my father and I talk everyday, without fail, so I need to communicate with him too. A Basketball is self-explanatory. I play every chance I get. Basketball is an addiction. I play year round and will continue to. The Yankee fitten is classic!! Anyone who knows me knows that I keep a fresh Yankees. I wear it all the damn time too. I kinda stole the idea from Denzel Washington. He is always rocking one, why can't I?! LOL

Q: You’ve already done a lot, but tell me, what do you want to “B” when you grow up? What’s your legacy?A: When I grow up...I want to 'B' a positive influence on the masses. Men and Women. I hope people of all races can look at all I have accomplished and say, "You know what, I can do what Christian did, Hell...I can do it better!"
Thanks Christian! I have a feeling I might get a few more questions about you on the side... The B-Life hopes you'll grace us with another guest spot!xo, Jen
Tune in to BET to watch Harlem Heights on Mondays at 10/9c