We've all been so fortunate to live life our way, so it's high time to give back. The B-Life is putting together a Winter Wish Maker team through New York Cares' and I want your help!

What: An opportunity to give a holiday gift to a deserving child and/or members of their family. Gifts typically do not exceed $40.
How: Email Jen at
theblife@gmail.com with "Wish Maker" in the subject line and include your: name and email address
When: To join the team, please email me by
Wed. November 19th
This holiday season, thousands of families in our city will not be able to afford holiday gifts for their children or themselves. But you can help.
New York Cares' Winter Wishes for Kids and Families program helps fulfill the holiday wishes of more than 31,000 disadvantaged New Yorkers. Through our program, children, teens, and families write letters to New York Cares requesting a gift that will make the holidays brighter. You can take one or more of these letters and buy the gift(s) requested. The item you buy may be the only gift that person receives this holiday season.
HERE for more info.