Living the Bachelorhood: Jozen Cummings
Great piece on Jozen Cummings, author of Until I Get Married. Check out the link below!

Click here for the Washington Post article.

Click here for the Washington Post article.
Essence Single Man of the Month: Dr. Gary Grant
And they say there aren't any good single black men..
"Taking my breath away is a requirement...on a regular basis." Dr. Grant
"Taking my breath away is a requirement...on a regular basis." Dr. Grant
B on hiatus...

Hey there! The B-Life is officially on hiatus, but we will be back - bigger and better. In the meantime, keep up with The B-Life on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/TheBLife. We're building the network, so join us!
Stay connected and send your thoughts, comments, rants, raves, and faves to theblife@gmail.com. We want to hear from you.
Ps. Hit us if you are a tastemaker, and clued into what's hot in your city! We're seeking contributors around the map, and we might be looking for you! Stay tuned...
B Quoted: Beverly Johnson
B Craved or Saved: Luscious Lashes

B Craved...
B Loved: Fall '09 Must-Haves
It's September 1st, so Happy Fall! In honor of the new season, I'm unveiling a list of fashionable Fall must-haves. This one is personal, so what's on your Fall shopping list? Send an email with the name and picture of the item to theblife@gmail.com. We want to hear from you!
Strap Up: This season, I need a lace-up boot. Not a Manono, but something with an urban edge - Dolce Vita Leather Lace-Up Bootie - $245
Merry Go 'Round: A go-to tube scarf that needs no instructions is an easy choice to stay warm, and comfortably chic - Lutz & Patmos Infinity Scarf - $350
Legacy Piece: I'm definitely ready to invest in that classic piece that will stand the test of my wardrobe - Chanel Large Flip Bag - Price varies (vintage - new)
Going Gray: The best way to update a neutral nail from "bridal pales" is to go gray with your Fall mani - OPI Suzi Skis the Pyrenees - $6
Ode to MJ: It's not exactly human nature to throw on a bold shiny piece, but it's definitely bad... - Antik Batik Walice Sequined Blazer - $492
Treasure Chest: My jewelry collection is all about upgrading with unique, but beautiful pieces that you can't find on everyone. It might take a little longer, but the quest is worth it - David Yurman White Mosaic Cuff - $3,950
Lil' Scrappy: By now, most have already copped a pair of beat-up skinnies. I think I'm ready to get in the fight - TopShop Vintage Baxter Skinny Jeans - $80
So Scentual: A feel pretty perfume, with sweet but deep notes, makes you feel as good as you look, every time a cool breeze grazes your neck - Marc Jacobs Lola - $85
Merry Go 'Round: A go-to tube scarf that needs no instructions is an easy choice to stay warm, and comfortably chic - Lutz & Patmos Infinity Scarf - $350
Legacy Piece: I'm definitely ready to invest in that classic piece that will stand the test of my wardrobe - Chanel Large Flip Bag - Price varies (vintage - new)
Going Gray: The best way to update a neutral nail from "bridal pales" is to go gray with your Fall mani - OPI Suzi Skis the Pyrenees - $6
Ode to MJ: It's not exactly human nature to throw on a bold shiny piece, but it's definitely bad... - Antik Batik Walice Sequined Blazer - $492
Treasure Chest: My jewelry collection is all about upgrading with unique, but beautiful pieces that you can't find on everyone. It might take a little longer, but the quest is worth it - David Yurman White Mosaic Cuff - $3,950
Lil' Scrappy: By now, most have already copped a pair of beat-up skinnies. I think I'm ready to get in the fight - TopShop Vintage Baxter Skinny Jeans - $80
So Scentual: A feel pretty perfume, with sweet but deep notes, makes you feel as good as you look, every time a cool breeze grazes your neck - Marc Jacobs Lola - $85
B Quoted - Idris Elba
B A (Happily) Married Couple...
Psychology Today published a great article on "An Arrangement of Marriages" - the 7 types of marriages couples find themselves in after the vows are taken and the "I do's" are spoken. Well into our 30's, most of us still believe in the fairy tale, handsome prince, and the happily ever after. It may still be possible, but it's important to pay attention to the signs. Do you fall into any of these categories?

Type 1 - Devitalized marriage: 40 percent of couples. There is pervasive unhappiness with all relationship dimensions and considerable instability. Both partners have considered divorce

Type 2 - Financially focused: 11 percent of couples. These couples have conflict and are unhappy in their communication and the way conflicts are resolved. They are dissatisfied with the personal characteristics of their partner, and there may be bitter personal attacks. Their careers

Type 3 - Conflicted: 14 percent. They are dissatisfied in many facets of the relationship - personality issues, communication, conflict resolution, and sexuality - and they may avoid or fail to settle issues between them. Instead, they focus on and gain satisfaction from outside experiences such as leisure, the children, religious life. But a high percentage of both partners have considered divorce.

Type 4 - Traditional: 10 percent. They are moderately satisfied with many relationship elements, while their sexual relationship and the way they communicate are sources of distress. They are not as critical of each other's personality as Types 1, 2 and 3. Their strength lies in a satisfying religious life and good interaction with extended family and friends. The marriages are relatively stable. These couples tend to be older, married longer, white, and Protestant.

Type 5 - Balanced: 8 percent. They are moderately satisfied with most relationship areas, with real strengths in communication and problem-solving. The biggest problem is financial management. They have higher than average agreement on leisure, child-rearing, and sexuality. They place a high value on the nuclear family. Still, over a quarter have considered divorce.

Type 6 - Harmonious: 8 percent. They are highly satisfied with each other, the expression of affection, and their sexual life. But they are self-centered, viewing children as a burden and parenting as a source of distress. It may be that, when a problem develops in this family, it shows up in the child.

Type 7 - Vitalized: 9 percent. They are highly satisfied with almost every dimension of their relationship and get along well. They are personally integrated, have strong internal resources, and agree in most external areas. They develop difficulties but resolve them well. They are economically better off than most others, and tend to be older, married longer, white, Protestant. They tend to be in their first marriage and come from intact families.
B in the Spotlight...Chike Ozah

Name: Chike
Age: 31
Hometown: New Orleans, LA
Currently based: NY/LA
Profession: Director - Designer - Entrepreneur
How has creativity played a roll in your career path(s)?
Age: 31
Hometown: New Orleans, LA
Currently based: NY/LA
Profession: Director - Designer - Entrepreneur
How has creativity played a roll in your career path(s)?
Man, it has played the leading role in my career. I explore options in my career that give me 100% creative control because that's how important I feel creativity is. Now I'm not saying that I get 100% creative control all the time, but that's always the goal. As my career evolves I'm coming closer to achieving that goal.
NY or LA?
NY all day. I love the movement in New York and I'm constantly inspired by the streets, the people, the multitude of cultures, and the abundance of self expression that exists in the city.NY or LA?

Why did you the start Hot Air collection, and what's your role in the company?
Man, I was sitting around one day watching YouTube and I saw a time lapse clip of hundreds of balloons lifting towards the sky. The patterns on the balloons inspired me and I was like, wow those could translate well to clothing - after all, a hot air balloon is fabric just like a shirt. From there, I created a line of shirts and shared them with my boy, Bee Nyguen, who believed in the concept and brought it to his team Sound In Color, which was a music label at the time that was also dabbling in fashion. That's where another partner, Diego Carlin, got involved and took the brand far with his skills. Then Bee got his buddy Duke Wu involved, and he blessed us with the funding knowledge. Charlie Muff plays behind the scenes, and I'm about to blow his spot because you can't have a successful brand without Charlie...There are so many roles that make Hot Air a success, and I'm still not doing it justice. Without those key players, the line wouldn't be "soaring" the way it is. Just go to www.hotairbrand.com and you can find out who carries the collection.
Who are you designing for?
We design for the person that's not scared to try something new. For the person who loves attention.Who are you designing for?

What are most people surprised to learn about you?
Ha, is that a trick question? I really don't know. I have so many sides to me, so I guess it depends on how you meet me. If you meet me a little tipsy you might be be surprised to know I'm actually kinda of shy. If you meet me in the midst of an intellectual conversation, you might be surprised to learn I'm quite goofy. If you meet me in goofy mode, you will be surprised to know that I'm very spiritual and interested in the endless bounds of understanding and challenging my spirituality.
Yes - ask a lot of questions. Don't be scared to ask. There are too many resources available via the Internet to not be able to find out an answer to something. The road ahead is going to be very tough, so just embrace that, march ahead and never look back. And never worry about how long the road is.
What's next for you and Hot Air?
I'm working on a network called Creative Control with my directing partner, Coodie. It's an online network that will take television and "Urban" content to another level. For Hot Air, we're going to keep pushing the limits and explore new ideas. We have an incredible Spring 2010 collection coming out.
If you could "B" anything, what would it be?
B Loved: Origins Youthtopia

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